With an estimated population of 8.5 billion people by 2030, the world is facing the daunting challenge of meeting the growing demand for a sustainable production of food, while improving its quality. In the EU, an additional supply chain challenge is at stake, since about ¾ of the protein sources are imported.
The SylPlant project aims to build and operate Arbiom’s plant to produce at large scale protein-rich ingredients with one of the lowest environmental impacts. Made from fermentation of diverse carbon sources including lignocellulosic material and agricultural side streams, Arbiom’s protein ingredients cover both human food (Yusto®) and feed (SylPro®) applications.

SylPlant will lead to produce protein-rich ingredients at industrial scale with two applications as target:

Yusto® has been created by Arbiom for the food market to offer high quality, taste and well-being through fermentation. It represents the new generation of protein-rich ingredients to nourish people sustainably. Yusto® excels in a wide range of applications such as meat and dairy analogs, or specialized nutrition such as lifestyle products or elderly foods. Beyond these applications, Yusto® could be as well used in various culinary recipes, from homemade kitchen recipes to industrial factories.
SylPlant consortium is gathering relevant partners from the food industry value chain – Agromousquetaires, Bel, Biozoon, Centiv, Lyfe Institute and Satt Sayens – to develop Yusto® based food products ready to be sold in the market.

SylPro® represents a protein-rich, safe, entirely natural, and non-GMO ingredient for the feed market, including: petfood, aquafeed, and livestock nutrition. Arbiom demonstrated the bio efficiency and bioavailability of SylPro® with more than 20 studies & in-vivo trials.
The SylPlant project assembles important actors of the feed industry, such as Normandise Petfood, Biomar, and Agromousquetaires through the Moulins de la Marche entity.
The SylPlant project relies on the valorization of under-used feedstocks such as agricultural and forestry residues as raw material, and the exploitation of Arbiom’s proprietary yeast to produce two protein-rich ingredients suitable for food & feed markets. The project represents the entire food and feed value chains with the gathering of partners spanning from feedstocks manufacturers to retailers.

- BUILD and operate Arbiom’s first industrial plant in France to reach 10.000 tons of annual production at full capacity.
- OFFER a European, safe, local and sustainable protein supply.
- DEVELOP the next generation of foods with Yusto® such as cheese & meat analogs, and specialized nutrition products.
- VALIDATE the use of SylPro® in feed applications.
- GATHER consumer insights on SylPro® and Yusto®.

- FEEDSTOCK: Reduce transportation of raw materials by using local and various carbon sources and cut down agricultural inputs.
- PRODUCTION: Implement the best fermentation technology to maximize the productivity.
- INGREDIENTS: Reduce animal effluents and wastes by ensuring high product digestibility.
- Secure existing jobs in strategic European industries, while creating new ones with the building of Arbiom’s first plant.
- Raise public awareness and acceptance of bio-based solutions.

- Produce local high value ingredients from sustainable feedstocks with minimum environmental impacts.
- Reduce European protein imports with the development of circular bioeconomy.
- Support market uptake growth with new opportunities for biomass producers.