IFEU conducts research and provides a worldwide consultancy service in relation to all major environmental and sustainability issues in areas such as waste management and packaging materials, mobility, renewable energies, and energy efficiency as well as food and bio-based systems. IFEU is especially renowned for its expertise (>25 years) in the field of life cycle assessment (LCA) as well as on integrated life cycle sustainability assessment (ILCSA) since it came on place. IFEU is and has been leading work packages on sustainability assessment in numerous EU-funded projects. Our work is characterised by experience and independence combined with a practical and target-based approach. IFEU currently employs 100 staff with a background in natural sciences, engineering, and social sciences at its sites in Heidelberg and Berlin.

Role in the project
IFEU will lead WP7 on sustainability and circularity assessment and will conduct, amongst other analyses, environmental and social life cycle assessments.