Rethinking protein for a sustainable Europe: Pathways to food autonomy and innovation

Towards sustainable eating: Europe’s path to protein independence

Protein production in Europe stands at the crossroads of several strategic challenges: food security, environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, economic and social resilience. Today, Europe faces a structural dependency on protein imports.

Could a new approach to protein production hold the key to Europe’s food autonomy?


Sustainable food autonomy

The European Union consumes around 71 million tons of raw protein[1] annually to feed its livestock, yet the agricultural capacities permit to produce only 24% of this amount locally. Those proteins (as soy) are imported from South America. This heavy reliance exposes Europe to risks such as price fluctuations related to international markets, geopolitical crisis, and disruptions in supply chains. Recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukrainian war, have highlighted the vulnerability of global supply networks, underscoring the urgent need for the EU to enhance its food sovereignty by investing in more resilient solutions.


Rethinking European agriculture

The massive imports of proteins, particularly soy, come at an unsustainable environmental cost. In South America, the expansion of soy monocultures, a major driver of deforestation in the Amazon, devastates unique ecosystems, accelerates biodiversity loss, and exacerbates climate change. More globally, the ecological footprint of meat production is equally concerning: intensive animal production generates massive greenhouse gas emissions, pollutes soils with excess nitrogen, and pushes our ecosystems to the brink.


Energy efficiency and carbon Footprint reduction

@Plant-Based Profits: Investment Risks and Opportunities in Sustainable Food Systems, February 13, 2018

Animal protein production, especially beef, is among the most energy-intensive and carbon-heavy agricultural practices. In fact, it now accounts for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the transport sector and places a heavy burden on the agricultural climate balance. Adding to this is the production of grains and soy for livestock feed, which requires enormous amounts of energy not only for cultivation but also for transporting raw materials across the globe.


Health and well-being

Diet plays a crucial role in this transformation. In Europe, the consumption of animal proteins far exceeds recommended levels, leading to adverse public health consequences, including an increase in cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Paradoxically, the consumption of plant proteins has declined in recent decades, despite their well-documented health benefits.


Towards sustainable eating: blending plant-based alternatives and protein innovation in Europe

As Europe embarks on a quest to renew its model of protein production and consumption, plant-based proteins — such as peas, lentils, and soy — are emerging as both a sustainable and promising solution for the future. Less demanding in terms of land, water, and energy than their animal counterparts, these proteins stand out for their ability to generate significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. Their integration into our diets is not just a trend; it is positioned as an essential strategy for mitigating the carbon footprint of the European food system.


Economic and social potential of plant proteins

From an economic perspective, the development of plant protein crops presents a outstanding opportunity for the European market: by intensifying investments in research and innovation, the EU can not only support the local production of protein crops but also invigorate the agricultural sector. This strategy could further bolster the agri-food industry and create local jobs. Moreover, it encourages healthier plant-based diets, thereby reducing public health costs associated with excessive red meat consumption.

Socially, the transition towards a diet focused more on plant proteins addresses consumers’ growing concerns about health, animal welfare, and sustainability. This shift in dietary habits and societal values reflects a heightened awareness among citizens, prompting them to consider more balanced and sustainable dietary choices.


Faced with increasing challenges related to food security, public health, and the environment, can Europe genuinely consider a transition towards alternatives to animal proteins that blend sustainability and innovation?

While the European Union does not suffer from a protein shortage, alternatives to conventional animal proteins are gaining importance in addressing health, nutrition, and sustainability challenges. These alternatives fall into three main categories:

  • Plant-Based alternatives: Proteins derived from plants, designed to replace animal proteins.
  • Alternative proteins: It includes ingredients well-established in other regions of the world, such as algae and insects, that are just beginning to make their way into Europe. It also includes proteins generated by microbial fermentation, as Yusto and SylPro.
  • Cultured of cultivated meat: Emerging from recent innovations, these include meat grown in a laboratory with stem cells from animals —an ethical and technological revolution in the food landscape.



[1]  European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Hristov, J., Tassinari, G., Himics, M., Beber, C., Barbosa, A., Isbasoiu, A., Klinnert, A., Kremmydas, D., Tillie, P., & Fellmann, T. (2024). Closing the EU protein gap – drivers, synergies, and trade-offs. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2760/84255, JRC137180.

SylPlant’s 1st General Assembly: Key progress and highlights

The SylPlant project held its 1st General Meeting on April 23rd and 24th in Paris. This event was the opportunity for project’s partners to exchange on the past progresses and prepare the next steps. To know more about it, check the content below!

The General Assembly was organized by our coordinator Arbiom in Paris on April 23rd and 24th. This significant 2-days together marked our first in-person meeting since the project’s kick-off in June 2023, offering a valuable opportunity for all partners to discuss the overall progress of SylPlant and the next steps coming.

The first meeting day was dedicated to presentations led by the 9 work package leaders to discuss the work performed for the different project tasks, milestones and deliverables. Each of those partner had a 30-minute time slot to present their slides to update the consortium members and answer their questions.

The General assembly represents the perfect occasion to organize workshops to gather partners’ perspectives on different subjects. Heiko Keller and Hanna Karg from IFEU conducted a workshop on life cycle assessment. Marine Bellon from B4C organized a workshop on the project’s communication strategies, where she explained the insights of social media algorithms and so provided partners with key insights to enhance the effectiveness of their efforts and boost the reach of our social media content.

The first day ended with a business dinner in Paris, providing partners with an opportunity to share a convivial time. Members of SylPlant met again the following day in Arbiom’s office to attend thematic sessions and meetings.

Proud of the work already performed, the consortium is looking forward to continuing its journey toward the opening of Arbiom’s first large-scale biorefinery.

Special thanks to Arbiom team for their exceptional organization of this event.

Stay tuned on SylPlant’s social media to be updated on the project’s news and results as we are approaching the end of the first year of collaboration.

The SylPlant project reveals its first official video

The SylPlant project proudly unveiled its first official video at the bioeconomy conference BIOKET in Reims, followed by a presentation at the project’s General Assembly in Paris. This dynamic motion design video provides a comprehensive overview of the SylPlant project, highlighting its pivotal role in advancing sustainable protein production in Europe.

This 2-min motion design video showcases the SylPlant project’s applications, impacts, and how a collaborative consortium is essential for its success. The video highlights how the SylPlant project aims to build and operate a pioneering biorefinery that transforms sugars derived from agricultural and wood by-products into protein-rich ingredients through yeast fermentation for the food and feed markets. This flagship plant will reach an annual production of 10.000 tons of ingredients per year at full capacity to meet the growing demand for natural, high-quality, and sustainable food products in the market. The project brings together 17 European partners spanning the entire food and feed value chain, ranging from feedstocks manufacturers to retailers.

The video introduces key facts and statistics about the state of protein production in Europe, focusing on sustainability issues within the value chain. It reveals that 75% of protein sources used in animal nutrition is imported, contributing to 30% of total greenhouse gas emissions. This underscores the urgent need for a new production approach. The video then explains the concept and objectives of SylPlant, focusing on the plant’s construction. Beyond this, it provides insight of the consortium’s collaborative approach, and the benefits of partnering with stakeholders across the entire value chain to bring Yusto and SylPro to the market.

This motion design was looping on screens at the BIOKET bioeconomy conference in March on the CBE JU stand showcasing the French CBE JU Flagships. It was then premiered in front of all the project partners at the General Assembly in Paris in April. It was finally published on SylPlant’s website, social media, and YouTube Channel the week after the General Assembly.

Interested by the project? Follow the SylPlant’s LinkedIn page to stay informed on its progress and receive updates on the latest developments.

The SylPlant website is online

Following the launch of the SylPlant project, we are pleased to introduce its dedicated website, complementing our LinkedIn page and various communication materials.

The European SylPlant project partners are proud to announce the launch of their website. It is designed to provide visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the project, showcasing its core concept, objectives, applications, and the pivotal roles played by each partner.

On this website you will find information about the project, its objectives, the work plans, and the project’s expected impacts. You can read information regarding each partner and the global consortium, and have access to our news and our public documents, such as press releases and press articles focusing on the SylPlant project.

You can also explore our engaging flyer and informative roll-up, both available on the website. These materials provide an in-depth exploration of the project, offering insights into the project’s value chain, objectives, applications, and key elements.

Interested by the project? Follow the SylPlant’s project LinkedIn page to stay tuned to its progress and receive updates on the latest developments.

Arbiom-lead consortium officially launched SylPlant project during its kick-off meeting

The SylPlant project was officially launched in June 2023. Its kick-off meeting took place in Paris, at Arbiom’s head office, with presentation from partners.

The SylPlant project, focusing on the production of highly nutritional and sustainable protein-rich ingredients, was officially launched on June 14th, 2023, in Paris. During the meeting, partners met in Arbiom’s headquarters in Paris for a two-day kick-off. Each project’s Work Package leader made a 30-minute presentation to introduce their roles, objectives, and action plan for the following years of the project.

This first meeting came as an opportunity for all partners to meet face to face and spend time together, marking the beginning of the project. Presentations covered a large range of topics, touching on every aspect of the protein-rich ingredient value chain from biomass feedstock sourcing to food and feed market applications, including essential tasks like plant construction and regulatory considerations. These aspects are crucial for the overall success of the project and the future collaboration of the partners.

The next meeting for the SylPlant project will be the first General Assembly of the project and will take place in April 2024.


A wide and dynamic consortium

Arbiom is leading this ambitious initiative, which has brought together 17 partners from four different countries. These partners encompass a large range of stakeholders, covering the whole value chain of protein-rich ingredients production, from raw materials sourcing to final consumer insight analysis. They include small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) such as  Biozoon GmbHCentiv GmbH, FibenolPNO Consultants and SATT Sayens, as well as four major companies:  Agromousquetaires (through three entities)BelBiomar, and Normandise Pet Food. Collaborating with these businesses, the project also involves two research organizations, Lyfe Institute (formerly Institut Paul Bocuse) and IFEU – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg, alongside the laboratory Eurofins and the innovation cluster Bioeconomy for Change.


Interested by the project? Follow the SylPlant’s project LinkedIn page to stay tuned to its progress and receive updates on the latest developments.



SylPlant project was officially launched in June 2023

SylPlant partners gathered all together for a kick-off meeting on June 14th, 2023.

The SylPlant project, which brings together 17 key European actors of the bioeconomy, was successfully launched in June 2023 in Paris. The kick-off meeting was the opportunity for the partners to meet in person and discuss the main tasks that will be managed over the next 3 years.

The project aims to build and operate Arbiom’s first of its kind factory to produce the new generation of sustainable protein-rich ingredients for food and feed applications. This flagship plant will reach an annual production of 10,000 tons of Yusto© (for food) and SylPro© (for feed), to meet the growing demand for natural, high-quality ingredients in the market.

The partners are spanning the entire food and feed value chain, ranging from feedstocks manufacturers to retailers. Applications will target various markets such as meat and dairy analogs for food, petfood and aquafeed for animal nutrition.

Duration: 36 months (2023 – 2026)

Total budget: € 23M

The project will last three years, from June 2023 to May 2026, and has a total budget cost of 23 million euros. SylPlant is funded with 14 million euros grant from the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU)  under grant agreement No 101112555. CBE JU is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), an organization that connects large and small/medium enterprises, research institutions, universities and public and private bodies at European level involved in the development of the circular bioeconomy.

The primary objective of the SylPlant project is to establish a pioneering production plant near Lyon (France), to create proteins ingredients from different kinds of feedstocks. This entails the conversion of sustainable sugars, agricultural side streams, and wood by-products into sustainable, high-quality, and tasty protein-rich ingredients. The consortium aims to achieve the building of the plant to reach an annual production of 10,000 tons of ingredients.


Towards a sustainable protein production

This innovative approach to build the future of protein-rich ingredients production addresses several socio-environmental challenges:

  • The growing demand for non-animal sourced protein in food products
  • The current European Union protein importation: 3/4 of the animal feed protein resources needed are imported, which intensifies pressure on natural resources, and leads to significant greenhouse gas emissions.

The SylPlant project represents a significant step toward the shift from traditional protein to locally produced sustainable alternative proteins. This transition aims to reduce the EU’s reliance on imports. Ultimately, the SylPlant project has the objective to produce protein ingredients and derivatives with minimal environmental impact, thereby contributing to the local and European economy and enhancing competitiveness. It also seeks to promote public awareness and acceptance of bio-based solutions.


An ambitious flagship

SylPlant follows the successful Sylfeed project, a four-year project funded by the Bio-based Industry Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), in which Arbiom effectively scaled up its technology and demonstrated the value of its protein-rich ingredients.

With well-established products, this project coupled with the financial support from CBE JU, is a distinctive opportunity to shift from development and lay the foundation for large-scale industrial production under high-quality standards. This transition enables the ingredients to finally meet market demands. It therefore makes SylPlant a pivotal milestone in the process of bringing SylPro© and Yusto© to the market.

Interested by the project? Follow the SylPlant’s project LinkedIn page to stay tuned to its progress and receive updates on the latest developments.

Read the press release